06 September 2012

BCBP Family Day

Last Aug. 12, 2012, we went out with pops and the rest of the BCBP (Brotherhood of Christian Businessman & Professionals) for a fun-filled day-out trip. So BCBP is my dad's religious group for a year now. He finally gave in to his sisters' invite to join and be dedicated with the Lord. As I've shared before, pops lost his way, so yes, we're so glad that he finally found the light! haha. In his own words, BCBP is his "good crowd" True enough, they're good influence to dad.

Pops always invite us to their activities, but since we were all so busy, we haven't attended any of his activities, until this Family day. How can we say no to him when he started to beg us to attend since this one's important for him. Sadly, my pogi brother couldnt make it because of his thesis, senior problems.

This family day is like a reunion since it's the BCBP Tanauan branch, we sort of know each other. Some are our relatives, and some are family friends. Yes, so it's so much fun.

The theme of the family day is NATIONALISTIC whatev. Expect a lot of pinoy activities. These are things that we, Filipinos, forget to do.

cheering: Team Rizal
my favorite game! :)
bayong making contest

our family <3
the team Rizal


Saranggola making contest


and the winning team!!! <3

It was a very fun day with the BCBP family. They do this every year! I can't wait to join 'em again next year!☺ Pops sure is in a better crowd now!♥

BCBP Tanauan, Batangas Chapter

Everything's wonderful when you do it with Lord's guidance.

xx-Blair C.N. ♥

02 September 2012

I just can't get enough of being in love.

True enough.

To be in love is the best feeling in the world.

I just can't help myself. I am a huge fan of LOVE and HAPPY EVER AFTER.

Love, for me, is the greatest feeling in the entire universe!

Blair C.N♥