10 July 2011

six months.

My highschool friends are the most crazy friends I've ever met.

Last Monday, I've organized a dinner for us, Manila people, to meet and to catch-up! I just have to see them, especially Yasmin. So we had dinner at Army Navy, Taft.

I was shocked to see my friend, Yas, preggy. (O.A. I know that she is preggy! haha) She's six months preggy now, but her tummy looks like the baby's only 2 or 3 months! seriously!!

I had fun catching up with my friends! I've missed them. Sad that our other friends are staying in Lipa, Batangas!! I can't wait to see everybody!! I'm excited to see Yas' baby!!

bfam with Sheng!

the bfam girls: manila-based

i invited my L7 friend, Alphie!
 I love my friends!!:)

She's baaaack!!

don't mind my look --wasted!
Remember my post dedicated to my OFW friend? (well, you can read it here.) Well, she's baaack! Nope, not for good. haha!

I always as in always look forward on the day that we meet again. I have plans on going to SG to visit her (and the country) but gaaahdd the expenses, kaloka! haha :)

She went home for the weekend to say her goodbyes to her grandmother who passed away :| (prayers to granny and to your family, Ren)

I thought I'm never gonna see her! We didn't plan anything! haha we just have plans of seeing each other. She texted me right after the burial. We saw each other at Walter Mart! Super quick lang, as in beso lang! haha :) We didn't get the chance to bond since she was there to watch a movie with *ehem* haha! She invited me, though. I wanted to, but I've watched that movie and besides, I see it as a date! HAHAHA (oh my friend's gonna kill me when she reads this)

I walked aroung the mall when she entered the movie house. I saw one of my gradeschool friends, Kim Medina, and we started talking. After, I went to the supermarket to buy ice cream and chips before heading home (I just want to do something before going home!) I saw another good friend, Ryan, as I was walking on my way home. Great night for friends, right? ☺

Tomorrow, Sunday, my dear friend will be flying back to SG! wishing her a safe flight. I wish we had a little more time to bond and exchange stories, but hey! There's always a blogspot to keep us updated.

Personal Note:
I love you, Ren! See you again!!☺ Have a safe flight!


le boyfie's sms

I do not have a sweet boyfriend, really. He's the type of guy that will send me the usual "I love you" & "I miss you" SMS everyday! for me, that isn't sweet at all 'cause it's too common. Being in a relationship for almost four (4) years, gaahd he should've done a lot of sweet stuff, yea? (I am a very demanding & bratt girlfriend) HAHA.

The only reason that I've taken a photo of this sms and posted this here is because it was the first time that i got kilig over an sms from him. HAHA seryoso! as in first time talaga!

Anyway, i think the reason why he sent that to me is because i texted him this: "Thank you for being my knight in shining armor, babe! #18days!" See, I do this countdown since first day of July! duh? it'll be our 4th anniversary on the 24th, so a countdown is a must! haha :) And when i send him the days left, I do it with a little personal sweet note. voillaaa, I guess I gave him an idea on what to reply on that day. haha From day 1, he just sent the words, "i love you. mwaaaah!" hahaha 

This one I really like. I am in so much loooove. a very deep love.

09 July 2011


Go get Lured by trizhdee! :)

Visit them on facebook: Lured Shop
Shop via Mutiply: luredshop.multiply.com

Go get one (or more) hahaha =)

03 July 2011

By Chance by Jamich ♥

For me, this vid is a must watch! I am a huge fan of pinoy kilig stories! haha Yeeep, I love One More Chance, My Amnesia Girl, gaah! almost all the Pinoy movies! haha 

This. This one's a very inspiring story. I did watch Strangers, Again, but this one's a little different. I can relaaate to the story! hahaha. I love how Jamich made the vid based on their true love story. Very sweet, yea?

When I first saw this on facebook, I thought it's just one of those very corny vid that errone's keep on posting. I saw my friends' comments on this. Yep, great feedback, so I've decided to watch it! Gaahhhd I fell in love with the story. Very touching.

Okay sorry. corny ako talaga e. ang sweet nito e!

They're a very cute couple! <3

*Video from youtube, duh? ;)))