03 July 2011

By Chance by Jamich ♥

For me, this vid is a must watch! I am a huge fan of pinoy kilig stories! haha Yeeep, I love One More Chance, My Amnesia Girl, gaah! almost all the Pinoy movies! haha 

This. This one's a very inspiring story. I did watch Strangers, Again, but this one's a little different. I can relaaate to the story! hahaha. I love how Jamich made the vid based on their true love story. Very sweet, yea?

When I first saw this on facebook, I thought it's just one of those very corny vid that errone's keep on posting. I saw my friends' comments on this. Yep, great feedback, so I've decided to watch it! Gaahhhd I fell in love with the story. Very touching.

Okay sorry. corny ako talaga e. ang sweet nito e!

They're a very cute couple! <3

*Video from youtube, duh? ;))) 

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