09 July 2012

So why quit?

I dont know if some workmates read my blog. Well, I doubt. I hope they wont find this link. HAHA! My blog serves as my online diary. Yiiiz, there are still things that I dont share here.

I know that this blog is not popular unlike any other blogs. Im not really a blogger who wants to be famous or something. I just write to share my feelings when I know that there is no one to listen.With the title of this post and the intro message, Im guessing you all know that this post is about why I quit my job. If you read my previous posts, or if you are a twitter follower, then I bet you know how lazy I have been on my work. Now, as a promise to myself and to some friends (whom I know have no idea that this blog exists), I will share some reasons on why I left my job.

Remember my post about my dream, and why was I leaving it when I shouldve been living it? One of the reasons why Ive decided to leave my job is to live one of my dreams, and that is to study. You may find me stupid or whatev, but I didnt tell my family about this thing, but since I have some cousins who follow me on twitter, they know about my schooling. I am very proud of myself because I was able to enter in a very prestige university in the country. Of course, prestige, since it is the University of the Philippines! haha. Unlike any other students, I didnt take any entrance exams for this course, I just had a day of writing and interview. wheeew!! I must say, that heck of a day is all worth it! What I like most about this course is that I can finish this in two years and eight months, and it`s okay to not attend class since everything now is online. teehee. The goodness of having technology, I know. Blissful studying, yea? So yes, one of my reasons why I left my job is school! It is cool to get back on track, friends.

I have been with the company for almost two years already, and leaving my friends at work was very hard. Like what I`ve always say, hindi ka manghihinayang kung aalis ka dahil sa trabaho kasi nakakatamad talaga, pero yung pamilya dito, yun ang nakakahinayang iwan. When I had a hard time working at the admin department, I had to make a choice on whether I will resign or I will transfer to the marketing department, and so I made my decision and moved to the CSM family. I wanted to stay, really, but part of me wanted to leave because I dont want to put my diploma into waste, and so I left, just this month.

What I have mentioned above are reasons that I know will help me to shape a better future, as I planned. Of course there are some personal reasons why I left the job, and let me share some of those to you, friends. I have no complains about my department, and workmates (CSM-mates). I have loved the CSM since I started to get along with them. Maybe you are asking, if I love my environment and the people, why did I give up my job? Well, I just cant stand the thought that I have no growth while Im in the company. Sorry, but it`s the truth. Next, I just cant deal with people who looks at you as if you are naked, if you know what I mean. Yes, the dress code in our company is so strict and there are people who stares as if Im always naked, simply because I dont wear slacks while working. I just cant stand it anymore. They stare as if wearing a dress or a skirt is a crime, and seeing them the next day wearing almost the same outfit that I wore the day before. Funny, but it happened, friends. Also, for some sensitive note, I wanted to leave because I had too much understanding from my boss and my immediate. As you know, Im not the best employee that an employer could hope for. Im always on leave, half day, or late. I wanted to change, but I think it`s too late, and I just feel the need of finding a new environment for me to execute that change.

I have a lot of reasons why I`ve finally decided to quit my job, but I just cant share those here. I never thought that leaving the company would be hard for me since I have hundreds of reasons to leave. When I saw my resignation letter received by the HR department, I cried river of tears because I knew that I just made a serious move, I quit.

June 29 was my last working day, but with some reports, I was forced to stay until July 13.

To my working friends,
If you think that you have a brighter and bigger future outside your company, dont hesitate to leave. Know your worth and trust with all your capabilities. You will always be an asset wherever you go. Dont be afraid to be broke, as long as you are happy. Find happiness in everything that you do.

I`d rather be broke than to be unsure. 

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