23 February 2013

An Open Letter.

I promised myself that I won’t blog about this unless it’s resolved. Well, sorry self for breaking a promise (which my G, been doing for the past couple of months now) again. I just have to let all the pain out, and my journal cannot absorb everything, as it only welcomes positive thoughts!
The last quarter of 2012 was very depressing. I have almost lost my life dealing with a huge problem that a friend (well, former friend) have caused me. I entered into a “mini business” to earn money easily for I don’t have a job to fund my wants. Of course almost everyone knows that “THERE IS NO EASY MONEY”, and yes I have realized this after what happened. After what happened, I swear I’ll keep the “listen to your parents/guardians at all times, for they know best” lesson. Yes, I’ve had a lot of “I should’ve listened to them” and “darn I’m so stupid! Why did I ignore my grammy and daddy” moments! At least now, I’ve learned.

TRUST. I trust people easily. They say that I am too good to everyone, and that isn’t a good thing, for others will take that as an opportunity to do something bad to you. True enough, this former friend of mine took advantage of my goodness, and pulled me to the darkest side of life. Worse, I have pulled some of my friends and relatives with me. I should have entered this “thing” alone, if only I knew.
Today, I am still dealing with this problem. I do not know where to get more than a million bucks to pay for all the damages. I wish we are that rich to just give the money back to everyone who invested. I feel sorry for my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and dad for carrying the entire burden that this “thing” has caused me. I was so busy running away from my own problem while they are busy looking for the best solution for MY problem, I repeat, MY PROBLEM.

FRIENDS. As what my cousin and dad have told me, you’ll know who your TRUE friends are when you have experienced misfortune. True enough, those who I thought were my REAL friends were the ones who sent me depressing messages, and even cursed me a lot despite their knowledge of what happened. Yes, I am in no position to blame them, for I have put them in this situation. All I am asking for is longer patience and a little bit of respect, if not as their friend, as a person. I have feelings, too, and I am not that strong to handle everything. As they all know, I have a tendency to commit suicide, yes I am a suicidal person, and fragile about everything, basically EVERYTHING. So yes, this is so hard for me.

To my dad, thank you for sending sms to some of my buyers explaining to them everything. Thank you for always checking up on me, and for understanding the situation. I know I’ve given you tons of headaches for the past years, and this one’s the toughest, but thank you thank you so much for loving me and never leaving my side.

To my grammy, thank you for your understanding and for being with me every step of the way. No words can describe how great you are as a grandmother. I love you with every bit of my heart.

To the Nazareths and Castillos, thank you for being the best families ever.
To those involved in this “thing”, I am truly sorry for what happened. I know that my apologies are so overrated, but what else can I say? I am just truly sorry for what this thing has caused all of us. We just wanted to earn, but because of me –trusting the wrong person, we are now in the darkest side of life. This is hard for me too, so thank you for your understanding and for your support.

For those friends that I have lost along the way, I know that one day, everything will be fine. I tried not to ruin any friendship, but I cannot control everyone’s emotions. If getting mad is what you think is best, then I’m okay with it. I completely understand your anger. Sorry, and again, I will try my very best to fix this problem.

To you, self, be strong and never ever give-up. Just hang in there and this too shall pass.

To my Lord, thank You for giving me a stronger heart to face this battle. I love You forever, and yes, Your will be done.

"Sometimes, the girl who has been there for everyone else needs someone to be there for her."

 H&K <3
Blair C.N. 

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