08 December 2010

Facebook user-no more! :)

I've decided to deactivate my facebook account, for real this time.
FYI, it is still active! hahahahahaha :) I just have to wait for the right time. LOL

I'll be using multiply.com to upload my photos, and it will be for everyone (unlike my existing multiply account --very private!) So there, people can still get an update from me via this blog & my multiply site.

Why did i do this kind of sh*t?
Because there is someone who is opening my facebook and changing my relationship status once in a while. like duuuh?! okay!

Plus, i am so tamad to update my facebook and to make chismis with the lives of others. hahaha!

I know, everyone's on facebook now, like they are not texting anymore and just posting on their friend's wall to ask questions or to invite them out. I don't want that kind of lifestyle.

I still want to use my cellphone to get connected with people. I don't want that social network to eat my life! hahaha..

So there, I'll be leaving facebook very soon (temporarily though) i am not sure when to activate it again.

I know that i can live without that social network shooot! hahaha :)



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