18 June 2011

Papito!! ♥


I want to create a post for my dad. I know he won't be able to read this because he doesnt know that I blog.

Just to give you a clear picture of my relationship with daddy, I want to share that I am an ultimate daddy's girl.

When my mom left, I've stayed with my dad. My sibs and I didn't grow together. My sister was with my aunt while my baby bro was with my grammy. We were "forced" to stay in one roof I was in L7 (first year highschool). Technically, I was the only one who grew up with a parent, our dad. I know, I'm so lucky to  have at least one parent beside me while growing up. I feel so sad whenever I reminisce my childhood. I always tell people that I do not have a childhood!! haha ☺

I did have barbie dolls when I was a kid, but I played with guns. My dad & I usually go target shooting! I enjoyed playing darts & guns when I was a kid. Hey! I didn't have a playmate, my dad was my only playmate! hahahah ☺

me and my dad
 As what my sibs would say, I am dad's favorite! hello? All my life I lived with him! hahaha

I am a carbon-copy of my mom, so I always tease my dad that I am his favorite because I look like his great love! ☺ (yep, my parents are separated for 14+ years now)

I know, I am his fave!☺
We are a very cool family. (yuck!) haha honestly, we're not as close as other families are, but we do love each other. We don't have a family day. We seldom see each other. We (my sibs & I) act as if our dad is our friend, if you know what I mean. For others,it seems like we do not respect our dad, but hey! of course we do! We love him so much!☺ 

3 years ago, my dad had a car accident where he was in a coma for 2weeks, I believe. We didn't know what to do. We were all losing hope, but we know that God is with us, always! Good thing dad is okay now. A year after his accident, my sibs and I decided to send my dad in a rehab. Not everyone knows this, but yep, we did. It was a tough decision, but we did. We just had to. It was for his own good. He drinks too much, and whatev. Still, we love him!☺

My family!
My dad is the coolest! He's annoying, sometimes, but I love him so much!! He has a lot of girlfriends (haha) but I know that ate and I are his great lovessss! LOL

Wait!! There's one more dad I want to greet!! My grammy, my one and only TATAY!! He's my grandfather! I love him so much!!!

So for my dad & tatay, happy father's day!!! I love you both so much!!

My grammy! My tatay!!

Happy father's daaaaay ♥
  My familyyyyy ♥♥

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