25 July 2012

workaholic and in need of a part-time! :)

I just started my new work yesterday, yet Im starting to feel a little lazy about it. Maybe because we had our contract signing yesterday, and Im not really happy with the salary and benefits. I was expecting a bigger pay, bigger than what I was receiving on my previous job, but it is not. I just had to think of something for me to convince myself to sign the contract, such as: I can get a huge money from commission (if I have HUGE accounts) and that the company is just starting so when it becomes huge, I am one of the employees who will definitely gain from it. I have no regrets, so far. It`s just the second day, we`ll see how this one goes.

Since last Friday, I`ve been trying to look for a weekend job. I want to be occupied 7 days a week. I`ve been tweeting about this since Im very decided to work every weekends. Just now, I tried to apply for a customer service job, 9PM-4AM shift, M-S. I know that if I get accepted, I`ll be killing myself since my regular job is from 9am-6PM. I think I can manage both jobs since offices are both located in Valero St. Makati, just few blocks away from each other. Yes, I also searched some tutoring jobs, and I`ve seen some, but shift will start on 2PM and obviously, Im not available on that time. Now, I`m still trying to look for weekend jobs, and I didnt know that it will be this hard!

You may call me a workaholic bee, but I dont know, I just want to earn a loooot for Law School on 2013!

Please, hit me up when you know some part-time jobs. I need it so bad!

H&K <3

22 July 2012

Foreign Exchange Training

Hi friends. I know I haven't shared to you that I attended a training about Foreign Exchange. Sorry about that, but I dont want to share it unless Im sure about my status on this industry. Anyway, now that I know my status, Im ready to share about my training for the past 5 days.

I know I always blog about getting so excited to be a bummer again, to have long time to sleep, and not to work anytime soon, but I did apply for a job. How inconsistent, noh? I found this job as a Business Development Executive on Jobstreet two weeks ago, and tried my luck, yes-- I applied for it. I had my interview last July 9, 2012 and they asked me to wait for their call within the week. Just like any other job interviews that I`ve attended two years ago, I didn`t expect to get a callback since I am aware that when an employer say that, more or less you`re not hired. haha! Agree? but Unexpectedly, last July 12, 2012, they called me and asked me to attend the training on July 16, 2012.

To cut the story short, I did attend the training last Monday and finished it last Friday. I wasnt sure if I am for ForEx since i find it very complicated, but with the compensation, benefits, career growth, and a lot more opportunities, I did my best to pass the revalida last Thursday. I was so nervous that I even installed the platform on my lappy, just so I could practice how to take orders! I memorized every term about ForEx, that was discussed, and yes-- had sleepless nights! I am that serious about this! Kaso lang, until now, I dont fully understand the concept! hahaha. It will come, you know. It takes time!

The Platform.
That photo above is the platform. It`s confusing, dba? I cant even understand on how to plot the whatevs on it, but I know I can do it. Just give me more time. HAHA! I wish I can explain what ForEx is all about, but Im no google, guys. Im a newbiee on this industry, but I promise to share bits of info about it.

Being a BDE, our task basically is to get investors, yes sort of marketing, and do trading. The way I see it, it`s like gambling: the investors are the gamblers, their investment will be the money, and the ForEx being the game. Us, BDE, will stand as their advisers. In ForEx, we trade almost all the currencies, buy and sell -yes, and Gold as well. We just need an internet connection and a computer, of course, to do this, so yes, we can do this anywhere.

What I like about being a BDE and ForEx:
1. It is very accessible
2. Opportunity here is huge!
3. It has gabazillion learning
4. It not as easy as it may seem, but it will definitely help you to take risks and to trust on you capabilities
5. It is fun! :)

The first wave
These are my co-BDEs. We basically shared the same pressure and stress while analyzing the platform and do trading on a live account. We just got along very well for five days. The guys were very serious. They are more on the subject than fun while us, girls, are more on fun that the subject! haha We take photos while the guys read or do trading to practice. It was fun to be with these people! New friends, yehey! If you read my caption, it says: THE FIRST WAVE, simply because we are the pioneering batch! We are the first for the company. We are the first batch to attend their training and seminar. Cool, yea?

So that`s it for now, friends. Tadaaah! :)

If you can do change today, why wait for tomorrow?

18 July 2012

The best of my last working day

I went to the office last Friday, July 13, 2012, to say my last goodbye to my workmates. Supposedly, June 29 was my last day, but since I left the country to go to Singapura for a quick vacay and bonding with the sibs, I left two unfinished reports. I came back Tuesday and worked overtime just to finish the report. Then, last Friday, I went to the office, half day, as requested by my workmates, to say goodbye to them formally.

Of course my last working day deserves separate post, which I started last Saturday, but still saved as drafts for it is still undone. One of the best things I did during my last working day is the Call Me Maybe vid eith my CSMmates, the Pretty Reckless (feat. MIS) You may not be familiar with the Pretty Reckless, but that is the name of our group for the Christmas party performance, the belly dancing, and since then we are called the Pretty Reckless! :)

We all wanted to do a crazy vid of the song since we watched the vid of the It Girls, yes, that with Solenn, Georger, Anne, and friends. We are all fans of the It Girls. We were supposed to do a vid when we went to Star City but we enjoyed the place so much that we didnt find time to shoot! hahaha.

Last Friday, we were about to watch the championship game, but due to the heavy rain, we stayed in the office while some Pretty Reckless girls went to the zone because they have to play. We, who were left in the office, did a vid already. It was so much fun! Yessir, the MIS people came out to support us.

`nuff said, and please do watch this fun vid. HAHAHA!

We made this for fun only. hahaha! And this is one of the fun moments I did during my last working day! :)

09 July 2012

So why quit?

I dont know if some workmates read my blog. Well, I doubt. I hope they wont find this link. HAHA! My blog serves as my online diary. Yiiiz, there are still things that I dont share here.

I know that this blog is not popular unlike any other blogs. Im not really a blogger who wants to be famous or something. I just write to share my feelings when I know that there is no one to listen.With the title of this post and the intro message, Im guessing you all know that this post is about why I quit my job. If you read my previous posts, or if you are a twitter follower, then I bet you know how lazy I have been on my work. Now, as a promise to myself and to some friends (whom I know have no idea that this blog exists), I will share some reasons on why I left my job.

Remember my post about my dream, and why was I leaving it when I shouldve been living it? One of the reasons why Ive decided to leave my job is to live one of my dreams, and that is to study. You may find me stupid or whatev, but I didnt tell my family about this thing, but since I have some cousins who follow me on twitter, they know about my schooling. I am very proud of myself because I was able to enter in a very prestige university in the country. Of course, prestige, since it is the University of the Philippines! haha. Unlike any other students, I didnt take any entrance exams for this course, I just had a day of writing and interview. wheeew!! I must say, that heck of a day is all worth it! What I like most about this course is that I can finish this in two years and eight months, and it`s okay to not attend class since everything now is online. teehee. The goodness of having technology, I know. Blissful studying, yea? So yes, one of my reasons why I left my job is school! It is cool to get back on track, friends.

I have been with the company for almost two years already, and leaving my friends at work was very hard. Like what I`ve always say, hindi ka manghihinayang kung aalis ka dahil sa trabaho kasi nakakatamad talaga, pero yung pamilya dito, yun ang nakakahinayang iwan. When I had a hard time working at the admin department, I had to make a choice on whether I will resign or I will transfer to the marketing department, and so I made my decision and moved to the CSM family. I wanted to stay, really, but part of me wanted to leave because I dont want to put my diploma into waste, and so I left, just this month.

What I have mentioned above are reasons that I know will help me to shape a better future, as I planned. Of course there are some personal reasons why I left the job, and let me share some of those to you, friends. I have no complains about my department, and workmates (CSM-mates). I have loved the CSM since I started to get along with them. Maybe you are asking, if I love my environment and the people, why did I give up my job? Well, I just cant stand the thought that I have no growth while Im in the company. Sorry, but it`s the truth. Next, I just cant deal with people who looks at you as if you are naked, if you know what I mean. Yes, the dress code in our company is so strict and there are people who stares as if Im always naked, simply because I dont wear slacks while working. I just cant stand it anymore. They stare as if wearing a dress or a skirt is a crime, and seeing them the next day wearing almost the same outfit that I wore the day before. Funny, but it happened, friends. Also, for some sensitive note, I wanted to leave because I had too much understanding from my boss and my immediate. As you know, Im not the best employee that an employer could hope for. Im always on leave, half day, or late. I wanted to change, but I think it`s too late, and I just feel the need of finding a new environment for me to execute that change.

I have a lot of reasons why I`ve finally decided to quit my job, but I just cant share those here. I never thought that leaving the company would be hard for me since I have hundreds of reasons to leave. When I saw my resignation letter received by the HR department, I cried river of tears because I knew that I just made a serious move, I quit.

June 29 was my last working day, but with some reports, I was forced to stay until July 13.

To my working friends,
If you think that you have a brighter and bigger future outside your company, dont hesitate to leave. Know your worth and trust with all your capabilities. You will always be an asset wherever you go. Dont be afraid to be broke, as long as you are happy. Find happiness in everything that you do.

I`d rather be broke than to be unsure. 

08 July 2012

Singapura 2012: USS to Clark Quay

USS to Clark Quay. On our second day, Monday, we went to Sentosa for some sibs bonding since our SG-based friends were both our for work. We have planned to go around Sentosa, but we failed. We just stayed at Universal. Sad, I know. I dont get it why the park closed around 7PM! hello? haha! reklamadora

My pogi brother woke up very early because of excitement. Sorry brother, but our laziness failed you. We left the hotel around 11AM, and had breakfast at Old Chang Kee near Kallang station.

Old Chang Kee
Our SG-based friends texted us early in the morning just to check if we have arrived at USS. We took the train all by ourselves. They just gave us the directions the night before. Glad we didnt get lost.

The USS snaps:
our ticks: SGD 74 each

Thanks to the camera timer
What is this ride, again? haha!
our top 2 ride: The Mummy!!
Far Far Away Kingdom
Thanks again, camera timer! :D
Sibs bonding
We had fun at USS! Too bad we weren't able to explore the Jurassic Park. We lost track of time, the park closed already. We first rode the roller coaster, I forgot the name of the ride and too lazy to google it, sorry. haha! Our friends advised us to ride THE MUMMY, and so we did! The effects and the suspense of that ride-- wow! It`s our second best ride. Of course, the transformers is on top of our list! Amazing! We also went to kingdom Far Far Away, the land of Shrek and his friends. We thought it would be boring, but the Shrek 4D is amazing, too. 

We had a great bonding at USS. We shopped at their souvenir shops, and took a lot of photos together. Our stay made us think of visiting Disneyland soon! haha. Yes, we love amusement parks so much!

Clark Quay.

After the tiring day at USS, we went straight to Clark Quay for some bonding with our SG-based friends. We have no idea where to eat, so we ended up eating at Burger King (because of free wifi) haha.

L-R: Kyle, Me, Lareina, Kuya Marl, Ate Telai, Ate Stacey
Read Bridge
G-Max Ride: Photo Op
30 SGD each! whatthehell!
I dont really like to ride on this suicidal ride, but just to support the sister, I did. We got a discount, from 45 SGD to 30 SGD! Great! Just great because I wont spend 45 SGD for this BS ride! haha.

before the ride
exhaustiiiiiiiing!! haha
The aftermath. LOL
 My sister bought the vid our this ride. haha! I told her not to buy it. Sayang 20 SGD, hello?! But she did anyway. When you watch the vid, you will see how scared I was! Just before the launch, I shouted: DADDY! haha and when we were on top, hanging, I shouted: LORD, BIGYAN MO MUNA PO AKO NG BOYFRIEND BAGO MO AKO PATAYIN! hahaha. that`s how scared I was. LOL

After the very exhausting G-Max, we went to the bridge for some drink. I think I wont survive in SG. Booze are so expensive! haha. We just bought a box of Heineken and stayed in the bridge.

My sister, having a hard time getting herself up!
with my sister`s friends
L-R: Lareina, Me, Ate, Ate Telai, Kuya Marl
For the second time, we took a cab going back to the hotel. Well, first was when we came from the airport. We left Clark Quay around 1AM or 2, im not sure. The only way to reach home is to ride a cab, and so we did. Cab cost us 10SGD, i think. Again, another tiring day! hahaha.

The night is young, and so are we.

Singapura 2012: The City Tour

I dont know how to start this post. Haaa! Well here it goes.

Last January, my sister booked a trip for the three of us: Me, the sister and the pogi brother. We talked over BBM, and agreed to book this trip to Singapura simply because it will cost us only Php 3,000.00+ each! Thanks to CebPac Piso fare! Not bad, yea? Okaaay, dont ask why we didnt book our dad. It bothered us too much already. haha! We dont know why, really. LOL but we promised to fly him to Bangkok next time. yaaay! another trip to look forward to with the family.

Singapura. Well, basically, on our first day, we had the city tour! thanks to our lovely SG-based friends for being our tour guides!

The only departure photo we have
My gradeschool friend, and one of my best pals in the world, Ren, was very supportive on our trip. She picked us up at the airport and let me borrow her prepaid phone so we can keep in touch, Sweet!

During our first night, we walked along Lorong 6 Geylang to see whatev that block has to offer. We found 711 all-over the block! haha Of course we bought something!

My pogi brother is obsessed with Yakult!
We had cup noodles for brekky the next day
We didnt have an itinerary for the trip, unlike other trippers. haha! We just have these places in mind that we want to visit. Good thing our SG-based friends were there to bring us in every places we have to visit. Oh wait! they brought us to malls, and malls, and yes, malls! hahaha! So yes, you know what happened to us, we splurged! unbelievable!

with our EZ Link cards LOL
from Kallang: The sibs!
 We were lucky to have stayed in a place 5min-walk away from an MRT station. Cab is very expensive in this country! whew. We stayed near Kallang station. So yes, basically we walked 5 minutes every morning just to get out off Geylang and go to wherever.

During our first day, Sunday, our friends went to our hotel and off we go for some Dora moments, the city tour! It is amazing that their GPS is very accurate! I wonder where its going to happen in our country!

The City Tour snaps:
seaweed rice at Tori-Q
Some colorful statues. haha
L-R: Lareina, Me, Ate Stacey, Kyle, and Kuya Marl
Singapore is a hopeless place, we found love! At A&F
The JACOB-body at A&F! :)))
tourists! LOL
Marina Sands Bay as the background
with Carmie at Marina Sands
Carmie is one of my college pals. She was carlo`s blockmate when we were in college. I told her that I`ll be visiting Singapura and that we should meet. And, voilaaaa! We have met! She is now working in SG as a graphic artist, I think. Missed her big time! Brought two packs of Boy Bawang for her, as she wished. haha!
with the SG-based friends
trying out the 1 SGD worth ice cream
They say that this 1 dollar worth of ice cream is a must try, and so we did eat it. Yummy-oh, I must say! It`s like a high-class dirty ice cream. haha yummy flavors! When my sister and I talked about this ice cream and wished for it to be available in our country, our brother said: Aba! Hindi mo to mabebenta ng piso lang sa Pinas! lugi ka. haha!

We went to a lot of different places during our first day, but yea I dont want to overload this post with photos. I have my facebook account for that. haha! Maybe you are looking for a photo of us with the Merlion since it is SG! Sad to say, friends, the Merlion was under construction when we went there. Sucks! I know. haha Anyways, we did enjoy the tour, but it was very tiring! We can barely walk! We just wanted to go back to the hotel and rest since we planned to go to USS the next day! Solid sa pagod ang paglibot, promise! It was all worth it, though.

Singapura is one hella country! I will surely visit it again, or maybe try to look for a job? hm. haha!