22 July 2012

Foreign Exchange Training

Hi friends. I know I haven't shared to you that I attended a training about Foreign Exchange. Sorry about that, but I dont want to share it unless Im sure about my status on this industry. Anyway, now that I know my status, Im ready to share about my training for the past 5 days.

I know I always blog about getting so excited to be a bummer again, to have long time to sleep, and not to work anytime soon, but I did apply for a job. How inconsistent, noh? I found this job as a Business Development Executive on Jobstreet two weeks ago, and tried my luck, yes-- I applied for it. I had my interview last July 9, 2012 and they asked me to wait for their call within the week. Just like any other job interviews that I`ve attended two years ago, I didn`t expect to get a callback since I am aware that when an employer say that, more or less you`re not hired. haha! Agree? but Unexpectedly, last July 12, 2012, they called me and asked me to attend the training on July 16, 2012.

To cut the story short, I did attend the training last Monday and finished it last Friday. I wasnt sure if I am for ForEx since i find it very complicated, but with the compensation, benefits, career growth, and a lot more opportunities, I did my best to pass the revalida last Thursday. I was so nervous that I even installed the platform on my lappy, just so I could practice how to take orders! I memorized every term about ForEx, that was discussed, and yes-- had sleepless nights! I am that serious about this! Kaso lang, until now, I dont fully understand the concept! hahaha. It will come, you know. It takes time!

The Platform.
That photo above is the platform. It`s confusing, dba? I cant even understand on how to plot the whatevs on it, but I know I can do it. Just give me more time. HAHA! I wish I can explain what ForEx is all about, but Im no google, guys. Im a newbiee on this industry, but I promise to share bits of info about it.

Being a BDE, our task basically is to get investors, yes sort of marketing, and do trading. The way I see it, it`s like gambling: the investors are the gamblers, their investment will be the money, and the ForEx being the game. Us, BDE, will stand as their advisers. In ForEx, we trade almost all the currencies, buy and sell -yes, and Gold as well. We just need an internet connection and a computer, of course, to do this, so yes, we can do this anywhere.

What I like about being a BDE and ForEx:
1. It is very accessible
2. Opportunity here is huge!
3. It has gabazillion learning
4. It not as easy as it may seem, but it will definitely help you to take risks and to trust on you capabilities
5. It is fun! :)

The first wave
These are my co-BDEs. We basically shared the same pressure and stress while analyzing the platform and do trading on a live account. We just got along very well for five days. The guys were very serious. They are more on the subject than fun while us, girls, are more on fun that the subject! haha We take photos while the guys read or do trading to practice. It was fun to be with these people! New friends, yehey! If you read my caption, it says: THE FIRST WAVE, simply because we are the pioneering batch! We are the first for the company. We are the first batch to attend their training and seminar. Cool, yea?

So that`s it for now, friends. Tadaaah! :)

If you can do change today, why wait for tomorrow?

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