08 July 2012

Singapura 2012: USS to Clark Quay

USS to Clark Quay. On our second day, Monday, we went to Sentosa for some sibs bonding since our SG-based friends were both our for work. We have planned to go around Sentosa, but we failed. We just stayed at Universal. Sad, I know. I dont get it why the park closed around 7PM! hello? haha! reklamadora

My pogi brother woke up very early because of excitement. Sorry brother, but our laziness failed you. We left the hotel around 11AM, and had breakfast at Old Chang Kee near Kallang station.

Old Chang Kee
Our SG-based friends texted us early in the morning just to check if we have arrived at USS. We took the train all by ourselves. They just gave us the directions the night before. Glad we didnt get lost.

The USS snaps:
our ticks: SGD 74 each

Thanks to the camera timer
What is this ride, again? haha!
our top 2 ride: The Mummy!!
Far Far Away Kingdom
Thanks again, camera timer! :D
Sibs bonding
We had fun at USS! Too bad we weren't able to explore the Jurassic Park. We lost track of time, the park closed already. We first rode the roller coaster, I forgot the name of the ride and too lazy to google it, sorry. haha! Our friends advised us to ride THE MUMMY, and so we did! The effects and the suspense of that ride-- wow! It`s our second best ride. Of course, the transformers is on top of our list! Amazing! We also went to kingdom Far Far Away, the land of Shrek and his friends. We thought it would be boring, but the Shrek 4D is amazing, too. 

We had a great bonding at USS. We shopped at their souvenir shops, and took a lot of photos together. Our stay made us think of visiting Disneyland soon! haha. Yes, we love amusement parks so much!

Clark Quay.

After the tiring day at USS, we went straight to Clark Quay for some bonding with our SG-based friends. We have no idea where to eat, so we ended up eating at Burger King (because of free wifi) haha.

L-R: Kyle, Me, Lareina, Kuya Marl, Ate Telai, Ate Stacey
Read Bridge
G-Max Ride: Photo Op
30 SGD each! whatthehell!
I dont really like to ride on this suicidal ride, but just to support the sister, I did. We got a discount, from 45 SGD to 30 SGD! Great! Just great because I wont spend 45 SGD for this BS ride! haha.

before the ride
exhaustiiiiiiiing!! haha
The aftermath. LOL
 My sister bought the vid our this ride. haha! I told her not to buy it. Sayang 20 SGD, hello?! But she did anyway. When you watch the vid, you will see how scared I was! Just before the launch, I shouted: DADDY! haha and when we were on top, hanging, I shouted: LORD, BIGYAN MO MUNA PO AKO NG BOYFRIEND BAGO MO AKO PATAYIN! hahaha. that`s how scared I was. LOL

After the very exhausting G-Max, we went to the bridge for some drink. I think I wont survive in SG. Booze are so expensive! haha. We just bought a box of Heineken and stayed in the bridge.

My sister, having a hard time getting herself up!
with my sister`s friends
L-R: Lareina, Me, Ate, Ate Telai, Kuya Marl
For the second time, we took a cab going back to the hotel. Well, first was when we came from the airport. We left Clark Quay around 1AM or 2, im not sure. The only way to reach home is to ride a cab, and so we did. Cab cost us 10SGD, i think. Again, another tiring day! hahaha.

The night is young, and so are we.

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